Emergency Preparedness Tips

Emergency Preparedness Tips

National Preparedness Month Tips

Make An Emergency Plan

Having a plan in place before disaster strikes can help you keep your family safe. Your emergency plan should include:

  • Evacuation routes if normal exits are blocked
  • Where to meet if your group is separated
  • Where to find stored emergency supplies
  • A list of emergency contacts
  • Who will be responsible for specific duties (For example: shutting off utilities, getting pets)

Learn CPR and First Aid

Knowing some basic first aid skills and CPR can go a long way in a crisis. Many local community organizations offer classes where you can learn these skills. Visit the American Red Cross website to search for a CPR class in your area.

Anchor Heavy Furniture and Appliances

Make sure heavy items are secured to prevent injuries and property damage during earthquakes, hurricanes and tornadoes. Anchoring your furniture also keeps your kids and pets safer even when there isn’t a natural disaster or emergency.

Put Together an Emergency Kit for Evacuations and For Home

Some emergencies require evacuation while others can leave you stranded at home. Make sure you have the right supplies for either situation.

Emergency Evacuation Supplies

  • First aid kit (Visit the Red Cross for tips on what to include)
  • Essential medications, inhalers, Epi-Pen, etc.
  • Nonperishable food
  • Water
  • Plates, cups, and utensils
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Garbage bags
  • Emergency blanket or sleeping bag
  • Comfortable shoes
  • Change of clothing for each family member
  • Multi-tool
  • Flashlight
  • Radio
  • Cash
  • Charging cables for personal devices
  • Jumper cables
  • Pet food/carrier/leashes
  • Portable power station or power bank to charge phones, laptops, and radios

At Home Emergency Kit Supplies

How Much Can a Power Station Run?

A child relaxes in a blanket fort with lights that are powered by a Goal Zero power station.

A portable power station can run all sorts of devices and appliances. And unlike a gas-powered generator, Goal Zero power stations are safe to use indoors.

Here are a few examples of what our power stations can run:

Yeti 1000X Yeti 1500X Yeti 3000X
Wi-Fi Router (25 W) 40 hours 61 hours 122 hours
Full Size Refrigerator (71 W) 14 hours 21 hours 43 hours
Light Bulb (11 W) 90 hours 138 hours 276 hours
Smart Phone (12 Wh) 82 recharges 127 recharges 253 recharges
Laptop (50 Wh) 20 recharges 31 recharges 61 recharges

Want to power even more for longer? Add solar panels to your set up to turn your power station into a solar generator!

We hope you never have to experience a natural disaster or crisis, but the good news is that many of these supplies also come in handy even if there isn’t an emergency. First-aid kits, flashlights, power stations, power banks and other supplies are useful when you’re traveling and camping, when you accidentally cut yourself, or if there’s a short-term power outage at home. Take some time to prepare now so you and your loved ones can worry less if you are ever impacted by an emergency.

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